At Al-fajr academy one can memorize the Quran which means you or your kids will be able to learn the Quran by heart easily. Al-fajr academy has a very good experience of helping students to do the Quran online by heart. We know how a student goes verse by verse and gradually leads to the final destination. Normally it takes 3 years of an average student to complete memorization of the Holy Quran online but it varies student to student.
our expert tutors have a very good experience of helping students to do the Quran online by heart. We know how a student goes verse by verse and gradually leads to the final destination.
At the start, the student needs to give 30 minutes to the teacher for classwork until 2 parts are memorized. Then class time is increased to 60 minutes per day for 5 days a week. A student has to prepared all his given tasks at home in different chunks of days for 60 to 120 minutes. Normally it takes 3 years of an average student to complete memorization of the Holy Quran online but it varies student to student.
in this course :
1) New Memorization ( New Lesson)
This is the number of new lessons you will be memorizing every day.
2) Newly Memorized Portion ( Sabaqi)
This is the number of verses of the Holy Quran which you’ve memorized in the last 20 to 30 days. This part is very much important, it’ll determine if the verse you have memorized will be solid for your life or not.
3) Old Memorization Portion

memorize quran classes